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God in the Rock - Derek Prince

Daily Devotional by Derek Prince. God in the Rock Psalm 105:41 He opened the rock, and water gushed out; like a river it flowed in the desert.     That’s a picture of God’s provision for His people, Israel. In the forty years of their wandering through the wilderness, a dry and barren land where there were no pools, no rivers, no streams, where water was almost non-existent. God provided water for them in abundance. He provided it in a most unlikely way. He provided it out of a rock. When you look at a rock in the desert as I’ve looked at it countless times, it seems so hard, so unyielding, so little good could come out of it. But in the disguise of the rock we understand that God Himself was with the people. God Himself was the rock and out of Himself there came His provision for His people in abundance. It was important that Israel knew how to approach the rock. At one time Moses was commanded to strike it. At another time he was commanded to speak to it, and when he approached

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